We are IOSS registered which enables us to despatch all EU customers’ orders under the IOSS scheme. VAT at the local EU rate will be included in the prices and will be collected at checkout. This should enable orders to be fast tracked through the postal systems and delivery made to our customers without the collection of any taxes or other fees on arrival. The maximum value for orders that can be handled in this way is €150.00.
IOSS is only used for retail (B2C) customers’ orders. Trade orders (B2B) will continue to be supplied net of VAT and customers will use their own VAT and EORI numbers to clear the consignments on arrival in the usual way.
GPSR – (General Products Safety Regulation)
TextileGarden is GPSR compliant.
Products conform to the industry OEKO TEX STANDARD 100. We are registered with a party in the Netherlands that acts as our responsible person within the EU. A card with all the relevant details will be included in the package for all EU orders.
All customers should be aware that small objects can be a hazard to children so please keep out of their reach. Pins & brooches should be stored safely & closed.
The health and safety of our customers is of paramount importance to us, which is why our products are compliant with the General Product safety Regulation – Regulation (EU) 2023/988.
For any health and safety issues regarding our products, please contact us directly in the first instance via post or email at Our authorised EU Representative can be contacted at
Manufacturer Contact Details:
No 1 BN44 3RF UK
Our EU Product Representative contact details:
Euify OSS B.V.
(FAO: TextileGarden)
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
2595 AM, Den Haag
The Netherlands